The overall purpose of a pathway plan is for all young people to feel and become Happy, Healthy, Safe and Successful as a young adult and beyond.
Pathway planning starts at 16 and between then and you turning 18 years your Pathway Plan will focus on what need to happen to support you to achieve your goals at 18 years to set you up for young adulthood Your social worker, IRO and other agencies will take equal responsibility for supporting you as well as your PA.
Whilst your PA will take over responsibility for the preparation of your Pathway Plan when you turn 18 years this will still involve important professionals who are supporting you along the way where needed.
We will start developing the Pathway Plan while you are still in care – within three months of your 16th birthday and this will be reviewed by your IRO to make sure the goals match what you want and need . Most importantly, your Pathway Plan sets out how we will help you to achieve the things you want to do.
You will always be fully involved in preparing and reviewing the Pathway Plan – it is your plan.
Once your turn 18 years old, your PA must review your Pathway Plan with you at least every six months until you reach 21. After this time, you can decide if you continue to need 1:1 support from a PA and Pathway Plan.
In your Pathway Plan we will include information and next steps needed to help you achieve with education, training, employment, wellbeing, accommodation, family and social relationships, finance, mental and physical health, self-care skills and identity.
It is important that you talk to your PA about any needs or plans you have, and that they are included in your Pathway Plan.
The big stuff all Pathway Plans will cover are: 'Managing your Health & Wellbeing, Education and Employment plans, Housing plans, Money Matters, Being part of your Community, Supporting your Relationships, Future Goals.
Our Care Leaver Offer is based around this to make it easy for you to get what you need, when you need it.