Apply for a place
An in-year application is when a child applies to transfer from one school to another, during the school year, or if they have recently moved into Manchester from another area and require a school place now.
To get a new school place for your child you need to download our application form.
You need to fill in parts A, B and C. If possible do this with the headteacher at your child's current school, or the last school they attended if they aren't in school now.
Section D - Completion of this part is optional and may assist to identify any support required in education. If you choose to complete this section, the current/previous school are required to sign to confirm the detail provided is accurate. Therefore, you should complete this with the headteacher/principal of the current/previous school/academy.
Post the completed form to:
School Admissions
PO Box 532
Town Hall Extension
M60 2LA