Council tax Tell us about a change in tenancy

Let us know about a change in tenancy for a single property

You can do this using our online form.

Let us know about a change in tenancy for multiple properties

You can do this all at once using our downloadable spreadsheet.

Instructions for using the spreadsheet

There is no limit to the number of changes you can tell us about with this spreadsheet.

  • Name your spreadsheet as follows: Company name_yyyymmdd 
    • For example, if you are AAA Housing, name the spreadsheet 'AAAHousing_20241114' 
  • Send your completed spreadsheet to
    • The email subject should be 'Multiple tenancy change submission [company/organisation name]'
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Feedback submitted to us on this form is monitored but you won’t receive a reply. In an emergency, visit our emergency contact details page. Please don't include any personal or financial information, for example your National Insurance or credit card numbers.