Council tax How to advise us of changes that may affect your Council Tax band

If you think your property is in the wrong council tax band for one of the following reasons you can use this form to let us know:

  • new property 
  • demolished property
  • change of use (business rates to Council Tax or Council Tax to business rates)
  • split or merged property
  • structural changes (for example, loft, garage, basement conversion, new extension, removal of extension)
  • name or numbering enquiry

If you think your home is in the wrong band

If you think your home is in the wrong band, do not report it to the Council.

You can ask the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) to review your Council Tax band if you think it is wrong and you have been the taxpayer for less than six months, or your band has changed in the last six months. If this does not apply you can still ask the VOA to review your Council Tax band but you’ll need to provide strong supporting evidence showing why you believe your property is in the wrong band.

Challenge your valuation band through the VOA

If you think your home needs to be removed from the Council Tax list

Sometimes, the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) may review a property's Council Tax band and remove it from their list. This happens when the property has been fully demolished, is truly derelict or undergoing major renovation. If you or someone else is living in this property, a Council Tax band and may not be removed. This is a legal requirement.

Find out more about removing a property from the Council Tax list

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