Zone 2 - charges and times
Parking charges in Zone 2 apply Monday to Sunday, 8am till 8pm*, with no charge for parking on a Bank Holiday.
The maximum stay time in this zone is two hours.
Charges are as follows:
- up to 30 minutes - £1.45
- up to 1 hour - £2.90
- up to 1 hour 30 minutes - £4.30
- up to 2 hours - £5.80
These charges and time restrictions do not apply to Blue Badge holders.
Please be aware that outside our Controlled Parking Zone, charges and restrictions may still apply. Always check for signposts, street markings, entry signs and notifications.
*Parking after 8pm, and before 8am the next day, is free (subject to parking restrictions). Please be aware though that if your car is left unattended overnight you may be fined if you have not collected it or paid for your parking after 8am.