Parking Christie parking scheme

Update: July 2023 

Enforcement of the extended scheme will begin on 11 September 2023

The Christie is the largest cancer treatment centre in Europe and has extended its facilities in recent years. In 2015, a parking scheme was introduced to tackle issues in residential areas as a result of those parking when visiting the centre. The parking scheme proved successful, but there have been problems in the surrounding areas. 

Following feedback from residents, and discussions at the drop-in sessions at Withington Library in December 2022, we carried out a further review and had several things we wanted to resolve before we were able to introduce the revised scheme. These issues have now been resolved.

It's important that you apply for permits before this date.

The review has resulted in an updated city-wide Resident Parking Scheme Policy. The new policy will change a some things about permits for the entire Christie scheme (the extended and existing zones). There is no change to the resident permits – these are still free-of-charge for each vehicle registered to a property in the scheme area.

The things that have changed are:

  • Visitor permits will now be free from the point of renewal (these were previously £45 per year).
  • 2 visitor permits will be available to each household – this was previously 1 per household
  • Additional one day visitor permits will be introduced – this is to provide increased options for occasional visitors (such as tradespeople) and can be applied for online. The first book of permits is free, and any subsequent ones will be £5 per book. Each household is allowed three books of permits each financial year (April to March). There is no expiry date for unscratched cards so they can be used at any time. 
  • Business visitor permits will be free for the first 12 months and will then be reviewed - these were previously £45 per year


Parking restrictions have now been introduced on the streets named within the Christie Resident Permit Scheme.  

Parking restrictions will be enforced between the hours of 8am and 6pm weekdays only. There are no restrictions in place during weekends. 

Signs have been installed on street where the restrictions apply. 

  • Permit holders can park for unlimited length of time within parking bays or on streets with signs on entry indicating ‘Permit Holders Only Past This Point Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm’
    Limited waiting bays are throughout the permit area meaning visitors to the Christie area can utilise these to park for free for a time period, usually up to 3 hours but this can vary depending on location. 
  • There are areas marked with: 
    • double yellow lines (no waiting at any time)  
    • single yellow lines (no waiting between the hours indicated by the sign) 

We will withdraw misused permits and may take further action.  

Your resident or business permit is only valid for your registration number – it's not transferable.

See a list of addresses where permit applications are being accepted

Permits are available to residents, visitors, businesses, students and carers. Find out more about what you need to apply

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