Resident permits are only available to residents of buildings approved within the scheme.
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Days and times of restricted parking:
There are a limited number of city centre residents permits. Once the maximum number of permits have been issued any further applications will be placed on a waiting list.
Residents displaying a valid permit can park in any pay and display bay in the zone the permit is brought for the hours shown below.
Between 8pm and 8am there is no limit to how long people can park.
Permits will be limited to 2 permits per household and the cost of a second permit will be 50% more than the cost of issue of the first.
On street city centre parking
The city centre is split into three parking zones. The zone your home is in determines which parking permit you should get. See parking zones in the city centre.
Zone 1 pricing and availability
Only people who live in zone 1 can apply for these.
There are 10 available permits in Zone 1. These allow parking Monday to Friday 8am to 9am and 5pm to 8pm and Saturday and Sunday from 8am to 8pm. Prices as follows:
- 3 month permit - £195
- 6 month permit - £357.50
- Annual permit - £650
Zone 2 pricing and availability
Only people who live in zones 1 or 2 can apply for these.
There are 50 available permits within Zone 2. These allow for parking between 8am to 9am and 5pm to 8pm on Mondays to Fridays and 8am to 8pm on Saturdays and Sundays. They are priced as follows:
- 3 month permit - £150
- 6 month permit - £275
- Annual permit - £500
Zone 3 pricing and availability
People who live in zones 1, 2 or 3 can apply for these.
There are 100 available permits within Zone 3 that cover Monday to Friday parking from 8am to 9am and from 5pm to 8pm. They also cover Saturday and Sunday parking from 8am to 8pm. We refer to these as 'C1' permits. Prices are as follows:
- 3 month permit - £75
- 6 month permit - £137
- Annual permit - £250
There are also another 50 permits within Zone 3 that cover Monday Sunday parking from 8am to 8pm. We refer to these as 'C2' permits. They are priced as follows:
- 3 month permit - £225
- 6 month permit - £412
- Annual permit - £750
Permit Rules
- Permits apply for all vehicles that are registered to your property.
- Permits are registered to a specific vehicle. Make sure that the vehicle on the highway is the one with the valid permit.
- There are no permits for visitors in the city centre. There is a special weekend tariff of £10 for the whole of Saturday and Sunday in Pay and Display Zone 4.
- Alternatively visitors can park in on-street pay and display bays in other zones or in off-street car parks. Take a look at our controlled parking zone locations and car park directory to find out.
What you'll need to tell us
To apply online for your permit, you will need to be able to scan and upload:
- proof of your address - either a recent utility bill, deeds to the building or copy of your rent agreement; and
- your insurance certificate; and
- either your V5C Registration Certificate - Logbook, or proof that the vehicle is a company car.
If you are applying for a replacement permit because yours has been stolen we'll need your crime reference number.
You won't be asked for any payment details on this form. We will contact you to arrange payment.
Resident season tickets are also available in some of the off street car parks we own. Find out how to apply for a resident season ticket.