There is a long waiting list for allotment plots and therefore we want to ensure that everyone with a plot is making the best use of it.
We regularly inspect our sites and plots to make sure that our rules are being kept.
We must do this to benefit the current tenants, people on the waiting list, the surrounding community and the local environment. We also inspect sites to make sure fences, gates and water supplies are maintained.
If we find the rules are being broken we will start the enforcement process:
- The first step is to send you a notice.
- You then have 28 days to fix the problem; if this is done you can continue to rent the allotment.
We do not have to give you notice when we are visiting sites to make inspections.
What we expect to find:
- all plots (including any greenhouses or polytunnels) to be fully worked and utilised for the ‘growing of produce to feed your household’
- the plot is clean, tidy and free from perennial and annual weeds or rubbish
- cultivation to cover 75% of the allotment plot within 12 months of starting the tenancy
- paths are neatly maintained, grass cut and free of weeds and rubbish
- hedges and fences are cut and well maintained
- sheds and greenhouses are in good condition
- all the area available in greenhouses or polytunnels is being used
- water butts adjacent to sheds and greenhouses are being used
- the crops grown are clean, healthy and free from pest and disease.
We will inspect our sites regularly to ensure that all plots are being fully worked and we will take appropriate action if plot holders are not working their plot in keeping with their tenancy agreement
Examples of when we will issue enforcement letters include overgrown plots, plots not showing any signs of being used, plots clearly being used as a storage facility for rubbish and excessive material. Keeping your plot tidy and making obvious attempts to use the plot will ensure that we will not need to contact you regarding the cultivation of the plot.
New tenants
New tenants are given a three month probationary period before any enforcement action can be taken for non-use of the plot you should:
- manage the areas that are not being cropped by mulching with a weed suppressing membrane (not carpet), this will condition the soil for when you are ready to grow crops and will stop weed growth
- alternatively, you could strim down grass and tall weeds in the no-cropped areas