7,728 residents over the age of 16 have previously served in the regular and/or reserve UK armed forces, 216 of whom are living in a communal establishment.
Household type | Number of residents |
Total: All usual residents | 7728 |
Lives in a household | 7512 |
Lives in a communal establishment | 216 |
There is a concentration of veterans living in the Charlestown area of the city.
Wiltshire has the highest number of people in England who have previously served in the regular and/or reserve UK armed forces at 31,378, but Gosport has the highest percentage of its population who have previously served in the regular and/or reserve UK armed forces at 13%.
There are no 2011 Census data.
UK Armed Forces status | Number of residents |
Total: All usual residents | 437958 |
Previously served in UK armed forces | 5114 |
Previously served in UK reserve armed forces | 2303 |
Previously served in both regular and reserve UK armed forces | 311 |
Has not previously served in any UK armed forces | 430230 |
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