447,364 residents live at the same address in March 2021 as they had a year earlier (81%), compared to 393,949 residents (78%) at the same address as a year earlier in 2011.
Migration status | Number of residents |
Total: All usual residents | 545,356 |
Address one year ago is the same as the address of enumeration | 447,364 |
Address one year ago is student term-time or boarding school address in the UK | 12,519 |
Migrant from within the UK: Address one year ago was in the UK | 72,814 |
Migrant from outside the UK: Address one year ago was outside the UK | 12,659 |
31% of residents were born outside the UK.
After those born in the UK, the second highest region of birth is the Middle East and Asia (52,085 residents), as in 2011.
386,997 have a UK passport (70%), 105,865 have a non-UK passport and 59,076 do not (11%) have a passport.
In 2011, 348,887 (69%) residents had a UK passport, 76,706 had a non-UK passport and 77,534 (15.4%) had no passport.
Area of birth | Number of residents |
Total: All usual residents | 551,937 |
Europe | 428,451 |
Africa | 37,872 |
Middle East and Asia | 75,297 |
The Americas and the Caribbean | 8,821 |
Antarctica and Oceania (including Australasia) and Other | 977 |
British Overseas | 519 |