Control of development
Development control in Stevenson Square is aimed at encouraging development and activity which enhances the prosperity of the area, whilst paying attention to its special architectural and visual qualities.
No buildings in the area stand out as being particularly dominant, therefore proposals to develop new landmark buildings would not be consistent with the character of the area. The optimum height for new buildings is low to medium rise, depending on the immediate surroundings, the height of which should not be greatly exceeded.
Most development proposals will require planning permission and even minor works, such as replacement of windows, may also require prior approval of us. Alterations to listed buildings require Listed Buildings Consent.
The City Centre Team will be willing to give advice on such matters, and this should be sought at an early stage, as should advice on any demolition proposals in the conservation area, since these also require consent.
As with all new development, proposals are considered in their context. For example, new buildings may either occupy vacant sites or replace worn out or not feasibly adaptable to present day uses.
If gaps or spaces created by demolition (such as the area enclosed by Warwick Street, Lever Street, Faraday Street and Spear Street) were sensitively re-developed, the overall urban environment of the conservation area would be considerably improved.
Applications may require the preparation of designs shown in relation to an entire street or square, or as viewed down long vistas, especially if seen from the junction of two streets. The urban design context is vital in conservation areas. Designers of proposed buildings should take account of this rather than evolving a design which could be located anywhere in Manchester, or indeed in any other city.
In line with most parts of the city centre, and not just the conservation areas, new development proposals should generally be aligned to the back of pavement, in order to preserve the linear character of the streets.