Control of development
Victoria Park, originally conceived as a quiet, leafy suburb, is still quiet in places, but its proximity to the busy Rusholme shopping centre on Wilmslow Road, and the fact that it is traversed by Anson Road, a major radial route from the city centre, means that traffic noise is a problem.
As in all Manchester's conservation areas, development proposals may require either planning permission, conservation area consent, or both. In appropriate cases, listed building consent may be required. The North Area Team will give advice on such matters and this should be sought at an early stage in the formulation of proposals.
The quality of the built environment, as well as the setting of buildings, is of a high standard and a similarly high standard will be expected of any scheme which proposes new buildings, extensions or other major developments.
It is understood that over a long period changes will take place as pressure for development increases. It is the intention of the City Council to ensure that such changes are as harmonious with the existing leafy character of the area as possible. Any development proposals should respect this. The construction of large ground plan buildings without substantial landscaping would inevitably damage the quality of the setting.