Improvement and enhancement
The pedestrianised Albert Square, Brazennose Street and Lincoln Square, with their new surfaces and tree planting, have created pleasant enclosures for the enjoyment of the public.
On individual sites development will have a significant impact on architectural and townscape integrity in the area. By taking a comprehensive overview, the nature of the conservation area can be understood and designers will be able to ensure that whatever developments are proposed are within the parameters outlined in this leaflet.
Designers should respect the architectural character of the existing historic buildings and create proposals which harmonise with them. This does not mean producing pastiche or a copy of an old building, since each building should have a vitality of its own and reflect the period in which it is built.
The character of the area's existing buildings is partly established by the use of 'solid' materials such as brick and stone, and whilst other materials may also be considered in any proposed new development, respect for the area would probably be best served by continuing to employ similar 'solid' materials, albeit in a modern manner.