We are responsible for the maintenance of grass in public areas and aim to cut grass every three weeks between March and the end of October, subject to weather conditions. However it will only be classed as a service failure if an area has not been visited for at least 6 weeks.
Some grassed areas are kept long to help improve the living landscape and areas where bulbs have been established will remain uncut until mid June to ensure the plants flower the following season.
We only remove grass clippings that fall onto public footpaths.
Parks - sports pitches
The frequency of grass cutting on sports pitches is dependent on the playing season and type of pitch. We aim to cut sports pitches between March and the end of October, weather permitting:
- Football, rugby, lacrosse and Gaelic football, cricket outfield, softball, baseball, pitch and putt fairways every two weeks;
- Bowling greens three times a week; and
- Pitch and putt greens and tees once a week.
Line markings will be re-painted on a weekly basis during the playing season.
If a maintenance visit has been missed by our crews, then let us know, however it will only be classed as a service failure if an area has not been visited for at least 6 weeks (for general grassed areas). But remember that our programme is dependant on the weather and this could be the reason why we haven't visited.