Prevent in Manchester
Manchester has been a Prevent priority area since 2008 and we have been working with colleagues from across the Community Safety Partnership to ensure that as a city we collectively:
Understand and respond to the risks of terrorism in the city by working closely with the North West Counter Terrorism Unit;
Safeguard those that are vulnerable to radicalisation
Mainstream Prevent into core business by supporting key services and institutions, delivering training and support to staff on Prevent and building capacity through our commissioning arrangements
Build capacity within the voluntary and community sector to recognise, understand and challenge those who might seek to create divisions within and between communities through the Radequal Network (Link to page on Radequal)
Strengthen community resilience by supporting and empowering communities to come together and talk about controversial or difficult issues.
Enable communities to develop their own solutions and promote better alternatives.
Prevent in Manchester is all about early intervention and prevention, so it is important that as a city we continue to strengthen the confidence and skills of our staff to work with communities on this agenda. This includes understanding community concerns, grievances and potential drivers that might lead to people engaging in extremist activities. We need to strengthen our understanding of and relationships with communities so that we can collectively deliver activities to support individuals who may be vulnerable to radicalisation and extremism.