News published March 2021
One-to-one calls, in native tongue, to be offered in Manchester for those most at risk from Coronavirus
Communities are being supported through Covid chats in a person's first language.
Express delivery: Former postie gets Covid results to people who didn’t know they had virus
How a unique Manchester scheme contacted positive cases post haste
Report spells out value of culture to Manchester and impact of Covid
One year on from the forced closure of theatres and other cultural venues, a council report spells out the value of culture to the city and what the impact of the pandemic has been on Manchester's world-class cultural scene.
Holiday activities on offer this Easter for thousands of children in Manchester
Thousands of children and young people in Manchester will be able to take part in a programme of holiday activities over Easter that is targeted at those who receive free school meals.
New homelessness accommodation for families opens
Brand new accommodation to support families who have become homeless is opening this week in south Manchester.
Council renews its commitment to help children and young people affected by Brexit immigration changes
The Council has renewed its promise to help young people living in Manchester affected by Brexit immigration changes.
Unpaid carers across Manchester are now eligible for the coronavirus vaccine
Update on the status of unpaid carers eligible for the Covid-19 jab.
Work to commence on Manchester attack memorial
Work starts today, Wednesday 24 March 2021, to construct the memorial to those who lost their lives in the 22 May 2017 Manchester terror attack.
Tribute trees honour those at the heart of the city’s pandemic story
Oak trees have been planted in Manchester’s cemeteries to remember people who have died in the Covid-19 pandemic and those who have helped protect the city.
Manchester reflects one year on from the first national lockdown
One year since the country went into the first national lockdown Manchester City Council is reflecting on 12 months which have remade the fabric of society.