News published February 2023
Safer Streets funding secured for improvements to Manchester Cycleway
Funding has been secured for much-needed improvements along the Manchester Cycleway.
Milestone hit as 1,000 people in Manchester sign up for counter terror training

A significant milestone has been passed in Manchester as work continues to protect people from terror attacks.
New street art unveiled in Levenshulme

Today (Wednesday 15 February) a new piece of street art, that will form part of a wider art project in the area, was unveiled in Levenshulme.
Ancoats Green transformation is one step closer as planning application is submitted

The Council’s plans to create a new ‘green heart of Ancoats’ is underway as a planning application is submitted as part of the final phase of the neighbourhood’s regeneration story.
Funding update underlines Council’s commitment to tackling climate change

The updated total of how much funding the Council has managed to put in place to support its climate change ambitions has been revealed.
Land transfer of former Chorlton Leisure Centre to housing provider to build low carbon older persons’ affordable homes

The Council’s executive will be asked to approve the disposal of the former Chorlton Leisure Centre site to be used for affordable housing at a meeting of the executive next week (Weds 15 Feb).
Young people join forces to celebrate achievements and look to the future as Manchester seeks Child Friendly City status
More than 300 young people joined forces last week in Manchester to celebrate their achievements during the city's child-focused year-long 2022 Our Year campaign, and to look to the future as Manchester seeks to become recognised by the UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) as a Child Friendly City.
Manchester Libraries PLUS survey opens
Adult library users from across the city are being urged to have their say in the Public Library User Survey (PLUS) that will start on the 13 February.
Apprentices speak about their experiences working on the Our Town Hall project
Apprentices working on the project to restore, preserve and enhance Manchester’s iconic Town Hall have been speaking about their experiences.
Revised budget proposals reduce savings, boost cost of living help and invest in key services
Manchester City Council’s Executive will consider revised budget proposals when it meets on Wednesday 15 February 2023.