News published October 2024
Leader's statement ahead of Islamophobia Awareness Month

Leader of the Council celebrates the contribution of Manchester's Muslim communities ahead of Islamophobia Awareness Month.
Start date set for transformational Withington public space project

Transformational improvements to two key spaces in Withington are set to take place following widespread public support.
Plans to help people sleeping rough in Manchester this winter

Manchester City Council is activating its plans for cold weather this winter to ensure that there is a warm space indoors for people who want one when the weather is below zero.
Manchester's iconic Christmas 2024 mug designs revealed!

With just two weeks to go until the opening of Manchester's legendary Christmas Markets on Friday 8 November, the design of the city's iconic and always much-anticipated Christmas mugs for 2024 can now be revealed.
Manchester Libraries gain funding to help communities connect with nature

Manchester is among twenty-six English public library services that have received funding to launch new projects this month to help their communities build stronger connections with nature.
Gorton Park mural revealed to remember historical roots

A vibrant new mural has been revealed in Gorton Park to remember the history of the area and celebrate its local people.
Black British Book Festival to Return to Manchester
The Black British Book Festival is set to return to Manchester Central Library next year following a successful event at Manchester Central Library in September 2023.
Countdown to opening sees Manchester Christmas Markets mapped!

With less than three weeks to go now until Manchester's legendary Christmas Markets open, we've got the markets mapped for visitors and festive shoppers with a special Christmas Markets map to help everyone find their way round and point them in the right direction for food and drink, live entertainment, and those all-important toilet stops.
Manchester to be guest city at iconic Barcelona festival next year

Manchester is to team up with Barcelona next September at the Catalan city's iconic La Mercè festival - which each year attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors into the city for a 4-day cultural festival that sets the very highest of bars for festivals everywhere, showcasing the very best of traditional Catalan culture, outdoor arts and music.
Our Town Hall: Portraits of a Workforce exhibition

A new exhibition at Manchester Central Library is set to focus on some of the skilled craftspeople, artisan trades and construction team behind the current transformation of Manchester's Town Hall.