Statement following the announcement from Sport England that a £100m National Leisure Recovery Fund is to open.
Executive Member for Skills, Culture and Leisure, Councillor Luthfur Rahman OBE, said: "We welcome the announcement of a new fund to support local sport and leisure facilities, as we have been calling for such help to be made available for some time. This action is necessary and will, in the short-term at least, protect our leisure centres from the financial impact of the pandemic.
"However, while this funding is a good start for the sector, it will only help to meet the costs of running our facilities until the end of March. Sadly, we know that the knock-on effects of Covid-19 will continue to be felt over a much longer period.
"On behalf of all Manchester residents who enjoy the huge benefits to health, well-being and happiness that getting active provides, we'll continue to provide the necessary evidence to the government and press the case that support over the longer term will be essential for local sport and leisure facilities."