Do you know of an issue that you think Manchester's scrutiny committees should look into?
There are no hard and fast rules about what makes a good topic for a committee to investigate, but there is one thing you should bear in mind: the committees investigate issues that Manchester residents are concerned about, particularly if the issue affects the whole city.
If your issue only relates to a small area it may be better to discuss it with
If your issue is a complaint about the way a service has been delivered it might be better to use the Council's complaints process.
If you know your issue affects the whole of Manchester, and you want your elected representatives to investigate it in a public meeting then please send us this form and let us know.
About this form:
When you go through the form, you have about 20 minutes to complete each page.
Don't use your normal 'Back' button to return to an earlier question, but use the 'Previous' button on the page you are on.
Questions marked * can't be left blank.