Please have the following ready to complete this form:
- A copy of the traffic management plan
- Diversion plan (where necessary)
- Location plan even if it is only showing the position of parking bays etc.
- A purchase order number will be required before the TTRO is implemented so if possible, please include it in the application, otherwise it will be required at the time you sign and return the TTRO Agreement From.
There is a six week lead in period. If the TTRO is required for longer than eighteen months the lead in period will be longer as in addition to the TTRO notification being advertised in the local newspaper, it will also need to be published in the London Gazette.
If the TTRO is needed for crane lifting, hoarding/scaffold erection, site cabins etc, these will need an additional separate licence, find another licencing application.
The minimum cost will be £2,401, however the final cost will be confirmed by email once the TTRO is approved by the Highway Officer.
Using this form
When you go through the form, you have about 20 minutes to complete each page.
Don't use your normal 'Back' button to return to an earlier question, but use the 'Previous' button on the page you are on.
Questions marked * can't be left blank.