All premises have a new licence number as of May 2024. You will need the new licence number to complete this form. Please contact premises.licensing@manchester.gov.uk before completing this form if you have not already.
Premises Licences that authorise the sale of alcohol must specify an individual as the designated premises supervisor (DPS). Only the licence holder can apply to vary a licence to nominate a new DPS.
The person nominated as the new DPS on a Premises Licence must complete a consent form. The DPS must be over 18 years of age and must hold a personal licence.
Important Note: Any proposed DPS must be entitled to work in the United Kingdom and must not be subject to a condition preventing them from doing work relating to the carrying on of a licensable activity
Anyone that employs an adult in the knowledge - or with reasonable cause to believe - that the employee is disqualified by reason of their immigration status will be committing an offence under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006. -
Application and guidance notes
Attachments required
Premises Licence -
Processing and timescales
A copy of this application will be provided to Greater Manchester Police on your behalf.
This application is in consultation for 14 days following receipt of the application.
The application will be granted the day after the end of the consultation period if no representations are received against the application.
If representations are received, a hearing will be held within 20 working days after end of the consultation period and you will be notified in writing.
If the application is granted the licence will be issued within 10 working days of the grant of the application.
Contact us in the first instance by email to premises.licensing@manchester.gov.uk
If an application for a licence is refused the failed applicant can appeal.
Appeals are made to a Magistrates' court within 21 days of notice of the decision. -
Contact us