All premises have a new licence number as of May 2024. You will need the new licence number to complete this form. Please contact premises.licensing@manchester.gov.uk before completing this form if you have not already.
This form should be used:
- if you wish to take over a premises licence from another person or company, or
- to reinstate a lapsed licence following the death, incapacity or insolvency of the premises licence holder.
A Premises Licence can only be transferred to a party who would be in a position to use the premises for licensable activities authorised by the Premises Licence.
With the exception of a lapsed licence, an application to transfer a premises licence may usually only be made with the consent of the existing licence holder, however, consent may not be required if the applicant can demonstrate:
- That they have taken all reasonable steps to obtain that consent; and
- That, if the applicant wishes the transfer to have immediate effect, he would be in a position to use the premises during the 14-day consultation period for the licensable activity or activities authorised by the premises licence.
Where the licence has lapsed, a consent form is not required.
This application will be forwarded to Greater Manchester Police, who have 14 days beginning with the day on which they are notified of the application in which to submit a representation.
Important Note: Individual applicants are not entitled to be issued with a licence if the licence authorises the sale of alcohol or late night refreshment if they do not have the entitlement to live and work in the UK, or if they are subject to a condition preventing them from doing work relating to the carrying on of a licensable activity.
You must demonstrate that you have the right to work in the UK. You must submit one of the documents listed at Annex A of the Home Office’s ‘Employer’s guide to right to work checks’ supporting guidance.
Home Office Immigration Enforcement will need to be served with a copy of the application (where the premises sells alcohol by retail or provides late night refreshment) and will have 14 days to object if they have grounds to do so.
Should there be no representation to the application from the police or Immigration Enforcement, the application will be granted and the amended licence issued to you in due course.
The fee to transfer a premises licence is £23.00.
Application and guidance notes
Attachments required
Premises Licence
Document which demonstrates entitlement to work in the UK
Processing and timescales
A copy of this application will be provided to Greater Manchester Police on your behalf.
This application is in consultation for 14 days following receipt of the application.
The application will be granted the day after the end of the consultation period if no representations are received against the application.
If representations are received, a hearing will be held within 20 working days after end of the consultation period and you will be notified in writing.
If the application is granted the licence will be issued within 20 working days of the grant of the application.
Validity and renewals
The Licence is valid whilst the premises is used for licensable activities and subject to annual fees, which the premises licence holder is liable to pay. We will automatically raise an invoice for the payment. -
Contact Licensing in the first instance.
If an application for a licence is refused the failed applicant can appeal.
Appeals are made to a Magistrates' court within 21 days of notice of decision. A licence holder may appeal against any conditions attached to a licence, a decision to reject a variation application, a decision to reject a transfer application or a decision to exclude an activity or person as premises supervisor. -
Contact us