All premises have a new licence number as of May 2024. You will need the new licence number to complete this form. Please contact premises.licensing@manchester.gov.uk before completing this form if you have not already.
If any changes are required to what is authorised by your premises licence, you are required to make an application to vary the licence. Possible changes include:
varying the hours during which a licensable activity is permitted;
adding licensable activities;
amending, adding or removing conditions within a licence;
altering any aspect of the layout of the premises which is shown on the plan.
Depending on the proposed changes, it may be possible for you to submit a ‘minor variation’ application.
Fees are based on the Non-Domestic Rateable Value of the premises (NDRV). The NDRV of any premises can be checked on the Valuation Office Agency (VOA). NDRV is revalued every 5 years. Premises that do not have a non-domestic rateable value are treated as falling into Band A for licensing fee purposes.
Application and guidance notes
Apply to vary a premise licence and guidance notes
Premise licence model conditions - this will assist parties in proposing appropriate conditions either as part of an operating model or to be imposed on licences.
Attachments required
- Plan of the premises (only required if the variation includes changes to the internal layout of the premises); and
- Current licence.
Processing and timescales
The consultation period is 28 days and begins the day after the application is accepted. At the end of the consultation period if no representations have been made, the variation will be granted as applied for and the updated licence issued within a further 28 days.
If relevant representations are made against the application, a hearing will be held within 20 working days following the end of the consultation period, where the matter will be decided by the Licensing Sub-Committee. A notice will be sent within 10 working days of the decision being made.
A hearing must be held if any relevant representations are made (and not withdrawn) in respect of the application. If a hearing is held the licence can be granted or granted subject to additional conditions, licensable activities listed in the application can be excluded or the application can be rejected. We will send the decision to the applicant, along with any persons who made relevant representations and the chief of police.
http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2005/42/contents/made -
Validity and renewals
The licence is valid whilst the premises is used for licensable activities and is subject to an annual fee. -
Contact Licensing in the first instance.
All appeals against Licensing Committee decisions must be made to the local Magistrates court within 21 days of the decision appealed. -
Contact us