Find out more about Manchester's six scrutiny committees, what they are reviewing and how you can get involved;
Children and Young People – education and social care for children
Communities and Equalities – crime and disorder, equality and cohesion, leisure and sport
Environment and Climate Change – matters that affect local communities, including waste and recycling, housing, carbon emissions and climate change
Economy – unemployment, adult education, small businesses and the state of the economy
Health – local NHS services and social care for adults
Resources and Governance – the Council's finances and how local public services are accountable to local people
Are we missing something?
Is there an issue you have with local public services that you think scrutiny committees should look at? If so, please let us know using our online form.
Want to know more?
If you want to know more about scrutiny, or tell the committees what you think about particular issues, please see our quick guide, email us or call 0161 234 3241.