Commitment 6 - Training: recording
Ensure all reported incidents of sexual harassment or assault are recorded in compliance with data and confidentiality guidelines.
Which incidents should be reported and how?
All organisations should follow appropriate discretion and confidentiality. Licensed premises should make use of their logbook. If you have a HR team, consider additional training on understanding the dynamics of sexual harassment, assault, gender-based violence and other Equality Act issues. Staff should know that no matter how minor the incident might seem, it is important that it is recorded – in an appropriate amount of detail and in a factual manner without personal opinions.
You could also:
- Undertake a data and confidentiality review to ensure that personal details are not being misused
- Ensure that your HR team – if you have one – has appropriate guidelines to stop the flow of gossip and misinformation if a disclosure has been made by one team member against another.
An official policy and procedure should set out clear expectations and ensure that each situation is dealt with fairly, regardless of who is involved. This is important because it can reduce fear of victimisation. A trade union can offer advice to staff, acknowledging that women who do speak up about sexual harassment should not be regarded as the problem in the eyes of their employer. Your staff should know their rights.