Who can get one
These children may be able to get a free pass:
- Manchester residents aged 4 to 7 at state funded primary schools more than two miles from home if there is no nearer, similar school.
- Children aged 4 to 11 who get free school meals due to low income and claim Universal Credits. And they live more than 2 miles from school and there is no nearer, similar school.
- Manchester residents aged 8 to 11 at state funded primary schools more than three miles - but less than 15 miles - from home if there is no nearer, similar school.
- Manchester residents at state funded primary schools less than two miles from home if the child could not be expected to walk the route and there's no suitable school within two miles.
- Children who have ever been 'looked after' by Manchester City Council, including children in care, fostered or adopted, whose primary school is more than two miles from their home.
- Children aged 4 to 11 who get free school meals, or whose parents get maximum Working Tax Credits or Universal Credit if they live more than 2 miles from school and there is no nearer, similar school.
- Some children in temporary or homeless families accommodation.
- Children with a statement of special educational needs - but call us on 0161 219 6400 before applying.