How an area is picked for selective licensing
When a Selective Licensing designation is being considered an area has to be experiencing one or more of the following conditions:
- Low housing demand
- A significant and persistent problem caused by anti-social behaviour
- High levels of migration
- Poor property conditions
- High level of deprivation
- High levels of crime
Before identifying any areas for selective licensing a ‘hotspot’ mapping exercise was undertaken looking at levels of anti-social behaviour, crime and service requests relating to housing and environmental issues, as well as levels of deprivation across the City. This data was overlaid to identify areas where challenges were likely to be concentrated.
Updated statistics for each of the areas can be found on our key statistics page.
View the key statistics for:
Views were then sought from local Neighbourhood and enforcement teams on boundaries for potential selective licensing areas within these ‘hotspot’ areas based on their local knowledge of the issues within each area.
In September 2020 the Council Executive held a meeting on past selective licensing in order to inform any new selective licensing schemes. The new licensing schemes being considered are in relation to tackling property condition, deprivation and anti-social behaviour. For more details on this you can read point 96 in the report and associated appendix on this topic in the Wednesday, 9 September, 2020, 2pm ( agenda for Council Executive.
In June 2022 the Economy Scrutiny Committee reviewed updated local statistics which confirmed that the proposed areas continue to meet the necessary criteria for selective licensing and approved an outline consultation plan. For more details you can read section 11 onwards in the report and associated appendix in the Thursday, 23rd June, 2022 2.00pm ( agenda for Economy Scrutiny.