Support Services for Asylum Seeker and Refugees
The Council has a statutory responsibility to provide some services to Asylum Seekers and refugees. These are summarised below:
Dispersed accommodation for Asylum Seekers
What is it?
Manchester City Council has successfully delivered accommodation and support services to asylum seekers in Manchester for a number of years, through a contract with the Home Office. The Support provided helps asylum seekers to gain the skills they need to integrate into the local community whilst their asylum claim is being determined, assists asylum seekers to understand their status within the asylum process, and provides assistance with accessing mainstream services.
Who is it for?
Asylum seekers who are referred to Manchester City Council by the Home office.
New Arrivals Team
What is it?
The New Arrivals Team provides a number of services to unaccompanied asylum seeking children.
Who is it for?
The services we provide are for unaccompanied asylum seeking children, that is children who have arrive in Britain without a family or guardian to look after them.
Who do I contact?
The New Arrivals Team can be contacted via Contact Manchester.