Recognising Quality in the Early Years
Early Years vision for Manchester
"Everyone working together to make sure that every Manchester child in their early years has every opportunity to be the best they can be".
What is the QAF for?
In Manchester we know how important it is for children to have the best start in life so that children are happy, confident, secure, safe and achieve well.
Accessing high-quality early years childcare has been identified as contributing positively to improving outcomes for children, leaving them well placed for future achievement and lifelong learning. The Early Years Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) supports settings and the Local Authority (LA) to communicate a shared vision for quality, supporting Early Years settings to aspire to providing high quality services.
What does the QAF consist of?
The QAF consists of five sections including:
- Leadership and management
- Care and welfare
- Learning and development
- Inclusion - supporting children with additional needs
- Partnerships with parents, agencies and the wider community
These five areas are at the heart of the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage.
If you would like a copy of the QAF please email and we can send you one direct.