How does the QAF work?
In using the QAF, settings and the local authority work together to come to a supported judgement about quality in each of the five areas and to set out the next steps for improvement. The setting and the local authority will agree a judgement of emerging, enabling or enhancing.
What do the judgements mean?
Emerging means that the setting is meeting minimum standards and is beginning to put in place more effective practices.
Enabling means that the setting is above minimum standards and is securing improvements.
Enhancing means that the setting far exceeds minimum standards and is highly effective in enhancing provision and ensuring a cycle of continuous improvement.
How does this help me as a parent or carer?
Look for the window display sticker that tells you that the setting is taking part in the QAF. This tells you that the setting is working with Manchester City Council as part of its commitment to ensure that Manchester children experience high quality childcare during their early years.
From January 2013 all settings participating in the QAF process will be eligible for a gold or silver award. These awards will be linked to the QAF categories of enabling and enhancing. During the year a setting judged to be enhancing in each section of the QAF will receive the gold quality award. A setting judged to be enabling in each section of the QAF will receive the silver quality award.
Look out for the silver and gold awards displayed in settings.
You can also ask providers about their QAF rating. This can help you to make decisions about whether the setting is the right one for your child.