ASB Case Review (also known as the Community Trigger)
The ASB Case Review is coordinated through Manchester’s Community Safety Partnership (CSP). The CSP brings together the Council, Police, Offender Management Services, GM Fire and Rescue Service, Public Health Manchester, the Universities, Housing Providers, and Community and Voluntary Organisations.
The ASB Case Review is a process you can use to ask community safety partners to review the response to anti-social behaviour or hate incidents you have reported.
You can request an ASB Case Review if you have reported three separate incidents within the past 6 months to any of the community safety partners. Each incident must have been reported within one month of the incident taking place. You can request an ASB Case Review on behalf of someone else if you have their written consent.
The ASB Case Review is available to ensure that partners share information and, if the threshold is met, work together to identify any further recommendations as to how the case may be progressed. You will receive a response within 20 working days of your request unless the circumstances are complex when the timescale for response may be extended.
This is not a complaints procedure. If you are dissatisfied regarding the actions of a specific organisation you should contact them directly with details of your complaint.