Core Strategy Submission Documents
On 18 July 2011 Manchester City Council submitted its Core Strategy Development Plan document to the Secretary of State for independent examination, following the Publication consultation stage in February and March 2011. The following documents were submitted alongside the Core Strategy and are available upon request from
- Schedule of changes to the Core Strategy suggested by the Council following the Publication stage and
clarification note. - Sustainability Appraisal and appendices
- Determination Statement of the need for an Environmental Assessment of the suggested changes to the Core Strategy for Submission
- Infrastructure Delivery Plan
- Changes to the Sustainability Appraisal and Infrastructure Delivery Plan following Publication of the Core Strategy
- Proposal Maps
- A statement relating to consultation carried out prior to the Publication stage (i.e. consultation stages from 2005-2010) (at Regulation 25 stage)
- A statement relating to representations received at the Publication consultation stage (10 February-24 March 2011) (at Regulation 28 stage)
- Report of representations received at the Core Strategy Publication consultation stage (1 of 3)
- Report of representations received at the Core Strategy Publication consultation stage (2 of 3)
- Report of representations received at the Core Strategy Publication consultation stage (3 of 3)
- Soundness self-assessment toolkit
- Legal Compliance self-assessment toolkit
Core Strategy Submission Supporting Documents
Supporting documents which formed the evidence base for the Core Strategy at submission stage were also submitted.