Core Strategy stages of preparation
The Core Strategy publication consultation stage took place in February and March 2011. You can see:
- a statement relating to consultation carried out prior to the publication stage (i.e. consultation stages from 2005 to 2010, at Regulation 25 stage)
- a statement relating to representations received at the publication consultation stage (10 February to 24 March 2011, at Regulation 28 stage)
The Core Strategy was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination on the 18 July 2011.
The examination into the Submitted Core Strategy took place during November and December 2011. The appointed examiner was Jill Kingaby BSc (Econ) Msc MRTPI.
You can download all the documents relating to the examination:
- Inspector's Report
- Inspector's Report Appendix
- Schedule of additional modifications made after the Inspector's Report