Addendum to Manchester Core Strategy 2024
The 'Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan Document for Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan 2022 To 2039' was adopted on 21 March 2024.
The following Core Strategy (CS) policies have been partially replaced by Places for Everyone (PfE) policies. Any part of the policy that is not replaced remains part of Manchester’s Core Strategy.
CS Policy SP1 Spatial Principles
Section to be replaced:
- Last but one bullet
Replaced by PfE Policy JP-S1
CS Policy EC1 Employment and Economic Growth in Manchester
Sections to be replaced:
- First paragraph including ‘Offices (B1a) - 140ha Research and Development and Industry (B1b, B1c and B2) - 25 ha Distribution and Warehousing (B8) - 35ha’.
- Distribution figures in key location bullet points
Replaced by PfE Policies JP-J3 and JP-J4
CS Policy H1 Overall Housing Provision
Section to be replaced:
- First paragraph
- Trajectory
- Sentence in brackets in 2nd paragraph
- First sentence of 5th paragraph
Replaced by PfE Policy JP-H1
CS Policy H2 Strategic Housing Location
Section to be replaced:
- ‘40-50 dwellings per hectare’ from 1st bullet of 2nd paragraph
Replaced by PfE Policy JP-H4
CS Policy H8 Affordable Housing
Section to be replaced:
- Last sentence of bullet 1
Replaced by PfE Policy JP-H2
CS Policy T1 Sustainable Transport
Section to be replaced:
- Final bullet point
Replaced by PfE Policy JP-C1
CS Policy EN3 Heritage
Section to be replaced:
- 2nd paragraph
Replaced by PfE Policy JP-P2
CS Policy EN4 Reducing CO2 Emissions by Enabling Low and Zero Carbon Development
Section to be replaced:
- First bullet including indented bullets on Energy Hierarchy
Replaced by PfE Policy JP-S2
CS Policy EN6 Target Framework for CO2 Reductions from Low or Zero Carbon Energy Supplies
Section to be replaced:
- ‘shown in Tables 12.1 or 12.2’ from 1st sentence of 1st paragraph
- 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th paragraphs
- Tables 12.1 and 12.2
Replaced by PfE Policy JP-S2
CS Policy EN8 Adaption to Climate Change
Section to be replaced:
- 1st and 4th bullet points
Replaced by PfE Policies JP-S2, JP-S4 and JP-G8
CS Policy EN14 Flood Risk
Section to be replaced:
- 3rd bullet point except final sentence
Replaced by PfE Policy JP-S4
CS Policy EN15 Biodiversity and Geological Conservation
Section to be replaced:
- ’either on-site or adjacent to the site’ in second paragraph
- Last sentence
Replaced by PfE Policy JP-G8
CS Policy EN16 Air Quality
Section to be replaced:
- ‘, and particularly within Air Quality Management Areas, located along Manchester’s principal traffic routes and at Manchester Airport’ from 1st sentence
Replaced by PfE Policy JP-S5
CS Policy EN17 Water Quality
Section to be replaced:
- 2nd bullet point
Replaced by PfE Policy JP-S4