Extra care is an affordable housing option from not for profit social landlords offering self-contained homes for older people aged 55 or over. It includes flexible and responsive services to enable them to maintain their independence and stay where they live if their care needs change.
You would have your own apartment and tenancy with access to flexible care and support services if needed. A team of staff is on site 24/7 rather than being brought in on a visiting basis.
Your needs can vary so even if you need very little or no support you can move in safe in the knowledge that the care team will be there to support you if your needs change.
Extra care schemes offer communal areas for residents, as well as a variety of other facilities such as community spaces, a bistro or café, hair and beauty salons, guest rooms, laundry and assisted bathing suites.
We work in partnership to deliver extra care with:
- the social housing provider who deliver housing related support and landlord duties and
- care providers who are commissioned through a tender process and are responsible for delivering personal care.
There are currently 12 schemes across the city with more being developed. Find out more about these schemes.