A Bed Every Night scheme
The A Bed Every Night scheme aims to provide a bed and personal support for anyone who is sleeping rough or at imminent risk of sleeping rough in Greater Manchester. Visit the Bed Every Night website.
Our support for the programme will be additional emergency bed spaces and help for those who are sleeping rough. These bed spaces will:
- increase over the winter period when people are more likely to accept our help and come indoors
- be for those people who sleep rough with a connection to Manchester, allowing us to support our own residents who need our help.
We will support any Greater Manchester residents to access the other A Bed Every Night schemes across Greater Manchester. We’ll also reconnect, where appropriate, any non Greater Manchester residents to their home areas across the UK, where they can access the support they need.
We have strengthened our links to our health services, particularly substance misuse and mental health and we will focus on monitoring health outcomes. Housing support services are also working further towards independent living.
We will refer people sleeping rough into this scheme. If you are worried about someone who is sleeping rough, please let us know.