Strategic review
The Strategic Review (Annexe C) is an overview of the strategic context for Our Rivers Our City. It identifies:
- How the project aligns with, and delivers, global, national and city priorities in areas such as climate change adaptation, river restoration, water resource management, green infrastructure (GI) and health and wellbeing;
- Current and future plans and projects by organisations in Manchester; and
- Sources of evidence and best practice that influence the River Valley Action Plans.
The Strategic Review is organised as follows:
- Overview: A summary of the detailed review, highlighting how Our Rivers Our City can support the objectives of current and emerging policies for the City’s waters, and conversely, what support is needed from future policies to implement Our Rivers Our City.
- Part 1: Policy, Strategy and Guidance - Part 1 summarises plans, strategies and guidance in a hierarchical order: national, city-wide and local.
- Part 2: Action Plans and Projects - Part 2 lists initiatives, action plans and projects by catchment, city-wide and by river valley.
- Part 3: Evidence and Best Practice - Part 3 signposts sources of evidence and best-practice in river valley management and the concept of “sponge city”. As this is a vast bank of knowledge, the aim of Part 3 is to highlight selected examples most relevant to Manchester’s river valleys.
- Part 4: Informing the Action Plans - A spreadsheet-style summary of key ideas that emerged from this strategic review to take forward into the action plans for Our Rivers Our City
From the numerous strategies, policies and previous projects reviewed, it’s clear to see how important green infrastructure and river valleys are to Manchester and its sustainable growth.
Manchester faces many challenges including climate change (increased flood events), air pollution, an increasing population, area of high deprivation, health inequalities and development pressures.
Sustainable development provides an opportunity for Manchester to improve its existing green infrastructure to benefit the environment, economy e and the communities of Manchester.
Read the full Strategic Review (Annex C) on the GrowGreen website.