Web Mapping and Data Sources, Review of Frameworks and Delivery Plan
Web mapping and data Sources (Annexe D) sets out the data sets and the sources for the data that have been used for the mapping produced during the study.
Review of Manchester’s City Centre Strategic Regeneration Frameworks (Annexe E)
Much of Manchester City Council’s planning for city centre development and urban renewal is guided by Strategic Regeneration Frameworks (SRF) and Area Master plans. These documents are produced by Manchester City Council, landowners and master developers for the area in question. The documents are reviewed regularly.
The review looked at the SRF documents that directly affect the Rivers Medlock and Irk, identifying:
- What opportunities they bring for delivering the goals of “Our Rivers Our City” (river restoration and sustainable drainage)
- How the documents can be reviewed to improve their contribution to OROC goals.
The review is based on the CIRIA guidance “Delivering Better Water Management through the Planning System" and specifically the Integrated Water Management (IWM) approach. The review examined how the SRFs considered the following aspirations, which relate to the place-making, urban planning and design aspects of IWM:
1. River Restoration e.g. deculverting, removal of heavily-engineered features of the channel and banks, introducing new river habitats.
2. Adapting to Climate Change by greening of the river corridor e.g. street tree-planting, green walls, rain-gardens, use of SuDS.
3. Water quality e.g. by requiring disconnection of undesirable discharges, removal of invasive species, dealing with known sources of contamination such as closed landfills.
4. Opening inaccessible waterfronts e.g. by re-orientation of development to face the river, creation of new waterfront public realm and pedestrian/cycle routes.
5. Waterfront public realm e.g. improving aesthetics, access for all abilities, improving visibility and interpretation of the river and its setting.
6. Neighbourhood stewardship e.g. by enabling residents and businesses to participate in design and use of the river and waterfront.
For each SRF that affects the rivers Irk and Medlock or their tributaries, the review set out a brief summary of opportunities and any potential gaps against the above headings.
Read the full review on the GrowGreen website.
Delivery plan (Annexe F)
This Delivery Plan sets out how the Our Rivers Our City (OROC) strategy, objectives and outcomes will be delivered over the next 10 years.
It has been shaped by conversations with local communities and stakeholders, and summarises the strategic actions that will need to be further developed into detailed implementation actions by Manchester City Council and a range of codelivery partners.