Over-18s living with you - relatives, friends and children who have left school or college who you no longer get Child Benefit for - are expected to pay towards housing costs and Council Tax.
They are called non-dependants. You must tell us about all their weekly income and provide evidence. This includes wages before stoppages, Universal Credit, benefits, pensions, tax credits and interest on savings.
You must also tell us about changes affecting non-dependants such as income changes, moving out or new people moving in.
We take set amounts off your benefit for them based on their income, even if they don't give you anything for housing costs. If you can't tell us their income, the law says we must still make a deduction.
If your non-dependants are a couple, we take one deduction: the higher of the deductions that apply. If both are working we base the deduction on their joint income.
Our online form will calculate deductions for you.