This consultation closed on 21 December 2021
We want to make Stevenson Square a go-to destination for the city creating a link with our Piccadilly - Victoria walking and cycling scheme. The idea is to have a newly formed public square, in keeping with the unique look and feel of the Northern Quarter, with a cycle and walking route passing through.
This is the third and final phase of consultation held around this scheme – the first was in 2019/20, and the latest in Spring 2021.
Your feedback
More than 600 people shared their thoughts during the consultations, which informed changes to the design. The original plans had suggested part pedestrianisation of Stevenson Square, and feedback in the consultation told us that local residents and businesses wanted the square to be fully pedestrianised.
In the latest consultation, nearly 250 people who responded told us that the most important function of Stevenson Square to them, was ’somewhere to sit and relax’, followed by ‘a safe, attractive traffic free space to move through’ and ‘a place for outdoor dining’.
When asked what key features people wanted to see you said, ‘planted areas, and a connection to nature’, followed by ‘outside dining’ and ‘public art’.
The message about people wanting the square to be pedestrianised once again came through strongly in this second consultation.