Article 4 directions
There are a variety of types of development that are considered to have a limited impact and do not justify the making of a planning application. A whole series of built developments are included, ranging from householder schemes to industrial and agricultural proposals, telecommunication apparatus and infrastructure works by statutory undertakers, as well as certain changes of use.
However, by a Direction under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 a local planning authority can restrict the scope of the permitted development rights in relation to defined areas. Its effect is to require an application to be made for permission for development proposals.
Manchester currently has Article 4 Directions removing permitted development rights for change of use from a Class C3 dwellinghouse to a Class C4 house in multiple occupation across the City and further Article 4 Directions restricting change of use from office/light industrial use to residential use in certain areas.