We always want to hear your views, you can tell us if:
- something’s gone well.
- you’ve got ideas for how we can improve.
- you’re unhappy and want to complain.
There’s lots of ways you can let us know your thoughts and feelings:
- Your Personal Adviser and/or Social Worker is there to chat. You should have their contact details.
- If you can’t reach, or don’t want to chat to your Personal Adviser or Social Worker, someone else in the Leaving Care Service should be able to help, call 0161 277 3030 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday.
- Email careleavers@manchester.gov.uk
- You can tell us what you think, anytime, 24/7 by downloading the Mind Of My Own app for free, or by going to one.mindofmyown.org.uk
- You can also complain online using this form.
If you need someone to help you make your voice heard, the Coram Voice can support you.