Personal Advisers (PAs)
Personal Advisers (or PAs) act as your main point of contact with the Leaving Care Service and will support you to make a successful transition to adulthood and after you leave care.
When you are 16 you will be allocated to the Leaving Care Service and your IRO and Social Worker will speak with you about what support you want and need from the Leaving Care Team.
We recognise not all young people feel like they are ready to leave care, so we want to work with you based on how you feel about your journey to independence.
As a minimum, from age 16 years you will have access to the Care Leaver Community Hubs in your local community and will be invited to social events and activities to welcome you to the Leaving Care Team.
Some young people will want and need a PA from 16 years old, however all young people will know who their allocated PA is by the time they turn 17. All care leavers will know how to access the hub and who their PA is and how to contact them. (If you don’t, contact the Leaving Care Team.)
You have the right to PA support up to the age of 25.
From age 21, if you no longer need one-to-one support from a PA, you can access our Care Leaver Community Hub or your local Family Hub for support as and when you need it.
Your PA will work with your Social Worker and will assist you in preparing for your transition to adult life.
Where possible, we will ensure care leavers keep the same PA until the age of 21. Until you reach 21, your PA will see you at least once every two months and keep in touch with you between visits; this is based on your plan and the support you need.
If you are a looked after child supported by the Children with Disability Team, your Social Worker will support your transition to Adult Services.
We have clear standards that PAs use to guide them. If you have any questions talk to us about this.