Social services Your Voice, Your Say

We’ll always make sure your Pathway Plan is based on what you’ve said want and need. 

And as well as talking to any of your workers, there’s several other ways you can give your opinions on things that matter to you, and organisations that can help if you don’t feel you’re being heard: 

If you can’t reach, or don’t want to chat to your Personal Adviser or Social Worker, someone else in the Leaving Care Service should be able to help, call 0161 277 3030, 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday. 


Tell us what you think, anytime, 24/7 by downloading the Mind Of My Own app for free. 

Manchester’s Care Consultants are a group of care-experienced young people who ensure services are the best they can be for themselves and their peers. Talk to your PA if you’d like to get involved.  

  • Coram Voice is a children’s rights and advocacy organisation that is separate from the council. They can help you understand your rights and be your advocate if you don’t feel heard. 
  • The Care Leavers Association can advise on your rights. 
  • Manchester’s Area Youth Forums – These are regular meetings that take place across Manchester. Young people have their say on what they’d like to change in their local area or in the city at large. Though meetings are not specifically for care leavers, they are a platform to tell decision-makers about anything you’re passionate about. Ask your PA if you’d like to get involved. 
  • The Rees Foundation provide life-long support to care leavers. 
  • The National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum is where leaving care teams work together to share good practice and improve services. If you want to help shape their decisions and priorities, join the Young People’s Benchmarking Forum. 
  • We have opportunities for you to get involved with the service and the Corporate Family Co-Operative – their purpose is to make sure the council and our partner organisations do a good job for looked after children and care leavers (Ask your PA if you’d like to get involved.)
  • Be part of interview panels when we recruit new staff. Join the Supported Lodgings young people’s panel and interview prospective providers (Ask your PA) 
  • Be part of our online community and join the Leaving Care Service Closed Facebook Group: the Manchester Beehive 
  • Take part in the Greater Manchester Youth Network to share your voice and influence across the 10 boroughs 

Need to make a complaint? 

You can complain online using this form

Read about how we deal with complaints. 

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