Community signs
Community signs are either white signs with black writing, or blue signs with white writing and are used to direct you to local facilities such as a:
- school
- places of worship
- hospital/clinic
- library
- local market
- park or playground
- community/sports centre.
A community sign can't be used for a commercially registered business. Business should apply for a tourist sign.
Community signs are paid for by the organisation asking for the sign. The first sign will cost around £1,000 with extra signs for the same location costing £500 each.
We will only remove or make a sign safe should damage occur. The organisation is responsible for maintenance.
If you apply for a community sign we charge you £600 for a feasibility study to see if we can supply the signs. This is not refundable and does not guarantee that we will be able to provide them. We will send you to our payment page at the end of the form.