November 2023 - Update
More than 1,000 comments have been received through our website and email about the ongoing trial.
As a result of feedback received in this trial, extra bollards have been installed to stop people driving around filters, and clearer road markings have been installed at diagonal filters.
Thirteen monitors have been in place measuring number of cyclists, cars and larger vehicles on key roads in the area. This will allow us to assess if traffic is being displaced, and measure behaviour change because of the scheme. Traffic will also be measured later in the trial.
Changes to Satnav maps have been accelerated through Transport for Greater Manchester, to help motorists avoid filtered streets.
We are working with community groups to look at seasonal planting, to help the planters look their best all the year round. We are also looking at whether the traffic-free area created by the filter on Parsonage Road at its junction with Wilmslow Road might be able to be developed into a community space.
We’ve also heard that the bicycle rack at St Paul’s Church of England Primary School has seen a lot more bikes and scooters parked there since the scheme began, which is hopefully a sign of more local children travelling to and from school in an active way (see below).
Richard Nickson, Active Travel Programme Director, Transport for Greater Manchester, says:
“The benefits of increasing levels of Active Travel are well established. So it’s very encouraging to hear of an increased uptake of walking, cycling and wheeling to the local primary school, but equally we’re hearing concerns raised by residents about traffic displacement. It’s really important that people continue to give their feedback to Manchester City Council throughout the duration of the trial. We need to know what’s working, what’s not working; so that we can make an informed, evidence based, decision about what we do in the future.”
Thank you if you have taken the opportunity to give us feedback on the trial so far – positive or negative – and if you haven’t already done so, please email us at . Your feedback is vital in helping us understand the impact on people who use this area every day.
On Thursday 23 November 2023, a public meeting was held at Withington Methodist Church, attended by Council officers and chaired by Jeff Smith MP. This was the halfway point of the 6-month trial period for the Parsonage Safer Streets scheme. No decisions were made at the meeting, it was an opportunity to share information about feedback so far, and data around traffic speeds and volumes.
The event was attended by 120 people and lasted around 90 minutes.
A presentation was shared at the start of the event, and the Director of Highways briefly talked through the information being shared.
This included:
The context for the trial scheme
- The scheme forms part of the Active Neighbourhoods Programme
- This aims to improve walking and cycling connections across Greater Manchester
The initial drivers for change
- Concerns about road safety
- Desire for safer options for walking, wheeling and cycling
Responsibilities around scheme delivery
- Project development and initial engagement by Transport for Greater Manchester
- City Council responsible for delivery of the trial scheme
Pre-trial scheme engagement
- Initial letter drop, survey, and two co-design sessions took place in 2021
- Letter drop of draft proposals, survey, and invite to drop in Q and A session in summer 2022
- Results from 2022 survey demonstrated overall support for the modal filters and other features
- Letter drop to over 3,000 addresses in the area prior to Christmas 2022 to residents to update on trial commencement date.
- Engagement undertaken with key stakeholders such as emergency services, refuse collection, etc.
Post implementation activity
- Sought community feedback through questionnaires and website
- Analysed traffic data – changes in volume and speed
He also recapped on the scheme’s objectives, which are:
To reduce
- traffic volume and traffic speeds;
- severance caused by roads;
- road danger
To improve
- walking and cycling by providing safe access to key destinations and public transport;
- attractiveness as place to live and a pleasant place to spend time;
- walking and cycling journey quality; and,
- feelings of personal safety
A slide was shown, detailing traffic monitoring data obtained since September 2023, when traffic monitoring equipment was installed to monitor traffic flows and speeds on key roads was shared.
Traffic flows on the western stretch of Mauldeth Road East had increased compared to baseline data from 2021.
Speeds on the eastern section of Mauldeth Road had decreased compared to baseline data from 2021.
Measurements of speeds and traffic flows for Cotton Lane, Mauldeth Road East and Parrswood Road have been captured, but no baseline data is available.
In Area 1 (bounded by Mauldeth Road East, Wilmslow Road, Arnfield Road and Alan Road, but excluding St Paul's Road) - traffic flows decreased, and speeds decreased compared to baseline data from 2021.
In Area 2 (bounded by Alan Road, Arnfield Road, Cotton Lane and Wilmslow Road, but including St Paul's Road) - traffic flows increased, but speeds decreased compared to baseline data from 2021.
In Area 3 (bounded by Mauldeth Road, Parrs Wood Road, Heathside Road and Alan Road) – average flow was 914 vehicles per day, and average speed was 23mph, but no comparative baseline data is available.
Speeds represent the 85th percentile speed observed which indicate the speed at which the majority of drivers stay below.
A slide was shown, detailing a summary of feedback received so far via the website. An online form to collect residents' feelings about the trial has been open since the start of the trial in August 2023, and will remain open until the trial concludes.
When asked 'How do you feel about the idea of reducing traffic in this area of Withington?’
- 27 per cent of people said they felt very positive,
- 6 per cent said they felt positive,
- 9 per cent said they felt neutral,
- 9 per cent said they felt negative and
- 48 per cent said they felt very negative
When asked ‘How do you feel about modal filters?’
- 25 per cent of people said they felt very positive,
- 4 per cent said they felt positive,
- 1 per cent said they felt neutral,
- 10 per cent said they felt negative and
- 60 per cent said they felt very negative
When asked ‘How do you feel about one-way streets?’
- 19 per cent of people said they felt very positive,
- 9 per cent said they felt positive,
- 16 per cent said they felt neutral,
- 12 per cent said they felt negative and
- 45 per cent said they felt very negative
When asked ‘Do you think the changes will make it more likely that you and/or your family will walk or cycle more?’
- 23 per cent of people said they felt very positive,
- 4 per cent said they felt positive,
- 10 per cent said they felt neutral,
- 5 per cent said they felt negative and
- 58 per cent said they felt very negative
When asked ‘Do you think the changes will make it more likely that you and/or your family will spend more time outdoors?’
- 22 per cent of people said they felt very positive,
- 4 per cent said they felt positive,
- 11 per cent said they felt neutral,
- 6 per cent said they felt negative and
- 57 per cent said they felt very negative