Ward and household data
24 of 32 wards have 50% or more residents from the White ethnic group, the largest proportion being in Woodhouse Park at 82% (12,572). The lowest proportion is in Longsight at 23% of residents (4,786). Here, 54% of Longsight residents (11,261) identify with the Asian ethnic group.
8 wards have 50% or more residents identifying as Christian. 3 wards as Muslim (Longsight, Cheetham and Crumpsall), and 5 wards as No Religion (Piccadilly, Deansgate, Ancoats & Beswick Didsbury West and Chorlton).
English is the main language in every ward, with 8% or fewer residents unable to speak English well, and 2% or fewer unable to speak English at all. Longsight has the most residents who are unable to speak English at all (371).
Deansgate (2,960) and Piccadilly (2,825) have the highest proportion of residents in One-Person households at 47% and 45% respectively.
Majority of households with more than one resident share the same ethnic group within household members.
78% of households (167,935) have English as a main language, with 11% of households (22,972) not having English as a main language.
Majority of households with more than one resident shared the same main language and no religion, or the same religion where one was stated.
Household Multiple Religion and Household Multiple Language data was not collected in the 2011 census and so cannot be compared to 2021.
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