Area Comparison Summary
- The census recorded 551,938 people and 214,700 households in Manchester.
- Based on census figures, there are 4,773 people per square kilometre.
- The majority of Manchester's residents (313,630) identify with the White ethnic group (57%) followed by the Asian ethnic group (115,113, 21%) and the Black ethnic group (65,891, 12%).
- Manchester is the 6th largest local authority in England by population, and the most densely populated in the North West with 4,773 people per square kilometre.
- After English (434,289 residents aged 3+), the most common language spoken is Urdu (17,572) then Arabic (10,425). In 2011, 13,095 residents spoke Urdu and 7,037 Arabic.
- 199,873 residents are recorded as Christian, a decrease from 245,247 in 2011 while those stating no religion 179,037, and Muslim 122,962 rose significantly.
- Manchester is the 6th largest local authority in England by population, and the most densely populated in the North West with 4,773 people per square kilometre.
- The census recorded 1,144,919 people and 423,456 households in Birmingham.
- Based on census figures, there are 4,275 people per square kilometre.
- The majority of Birmingham's residents (556,608) identify with the White ethnic group (48.6%) followed by the Asian ethnic group (355,384, 31%) and the Black ethnic group (125,760, 11%).
- After English (929,445 residents aged 3+), the most common language spoken is Urdu (25,131) then Panjabi (17,765).
- 389,406 residents are recorded as Christian, 341,811 Muslim, and those stating no religion 276,327.
- Birmingham is the most populated local authority in England with 1.14m people, 2nd is Leeds with 812,000 people, and 3rd is Cornwall with 570,300 people. Tower Hamlets is the most densely populated local authority with 15,695 people per square kilometre.
For more information on Manchester and other local authorities, please see our interactive insight tool.