'Summer born' children
We provide a school place for every child in Manchester in the September after their fourth birthday. This is the normal time for your child to start school.
However, compulsory school age is on a particular date after their fifth birthday. So if your child was born between April and August they start around a year before they reach compulsory age.
We understand that a few children, particularly if they were born in the later summer months, may not be ready to start school at the normal time.
For instance you may feel that they have not developed enough socially, emotionally or physically.
If there are reasons why you feel your child isn’t ready to start you can ask that they:
- start reception class in the September but only attend part-time until they reach compulsory school age; or
- start reception class later in the academic year; or
- start reception class the following September, outside their normal age group.
In all cases your child must be in full-time education when they reach the compulsory age.
If a request to start the following September is agreed there's no guarantee of a place at your preferred school, only a place in the year group. You will have to apply for a place again through the usual process.